Port Erin 2

The Marine Biological Centre, Port Erin


Residential, Commercial, Retail
In Progress
Delgatie Ltd
Project Value

The Marine Biological Centre is a new mixed-use development located on the site of a former marine laboratory in Port Erin, Isle of Man.

Port Erin
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Proposed visuals compared to the site


Design Challenges

The pre-planning elements of work required a slightly different approach to applications on mainland UK due to nuances with the usual planning process and some slight variances with available design guidance. This, coupled with a lack of flood data for the site, meant that the team had to undertake an extensive amount of research and conduct thorough surveys in order to produce feasible and deliverable designs

Port Erin Visuals
Port Erin Visuals 1

Our Services

The team worked collaboratively with the scheme’s architects: Corporate Architecture. Together the team developed a successful proposal, which has now received planning permission. Dice was also retained to undertake the technical design up to tender stage associated with the structural and civil design, along with the highway infrastructure and wider site drainage. This presented numerous challenges, most notably associated with the proposed structural intent which aimed to mitigate buildability issues related to the difficult ground conditions. The scheme is due to start onsite in late 2020.

Port Erin

“This development will have an amazing impact on the interest and investment in Port Erin and we are really excited to be a part of that.  Dice’s work during the pre-planning stage was essential to achieving planning permission and, with minimal comments or amends to the proposals, we couldn’t be happier with the results.”

William Smedley - Director, Delgatie Ltd

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